Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Park Quest #2 of 2014: Cunningham Falls State Park

Cunningham Falls State Park isn't a new park to us. It's very close to where we live and we've probably visited there over 20 times. However, we enjoyed ourselves during the quest. We saw things there we've never paid attention to before.

The quest was a scavenger hunt. We had 10 items on our list we had to find and take a picture of. Once completed we took the pictures to the Nature Center and got our passport stamped.

1. A small caged Hemlock Tree
2.  A 78 foot Waterfall
3. A sign that states “Help us heal this fragile area”
4. Something that talks about bugs.
5. A sign about fish
6. A photo of the lake
7. Something that states “No Gas Powered Boats”
8. A wooden walking bridge over a stream
9. "No Fishing" sign
10.  Park employee

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Giggles and Grass Stains Family Summer Bucket List 2014

Our family is really excited about Summer. Every Summer we sit down and put together a list of things we want to do during Summer. If your from Maryland and live near Frederick we have a lot of fun day trips on our Pinterest page. Here is our list for this year!

Giggles and Grass Stains Summer Bucket List 2014
* Park Quest
* Camp in a Cabin
* Go to a Baseball Game
* Visit the Zoo
* Visit the Lake
* Tire Park
* Hold a Shrimp boil party
* Visit the Water Park
* Bowling
* Summer Reading
* Summer Concert Series
* Lunch at the Airport
* Pump it up
* Visit the pool
* Fishing
* Hiking
* Collect shark teeth
* Walk on the boardwalk
* Go to a museum
* Camping in Tent
* Biking
* Have a picnic outside
* Movies
*Outdoor Movie
* Make your own Sunday
* Carnival
* Make our own Pretzels
* Make minnow traps and use them to fish
* Canoeing
* Chalk driveway drawing
* Library
* Catch lighting bug
* Roast Marshmallows
* Flashlight Tag
* Learn new cooking techniques
* Camping party
* Tie Dye shirts
*  Take a special interest class

We will hang this list up on our fridge so we can add more and cross off ones we've completed! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2014 Park Quest #1: South Mountain State Park

We used the opportunity of our 3 day weekend to start Park Quest. The boys didn't have any baseball games due to the Holiday weekend so we had some free time. 

We decided to start our questing adventure at South Mountain State Park/ Washington Monument Park. We've visited this park in the past but, we learned some pretty cool new info this time around.  (I don't want to give away all the details in case our fellow Park Quester's are reading.) We took a short walk up from the museum to the monument. The boys enjoyed walking up the monument and looking out over the overlook. They then learned how soldiers would communicate to each other from far distances. You know... because they didn't have phones back then.  Big C then declared the cellphone the best invention ever. Lol.

After our quest. We drove over to South Mountain Creamery. We love their ice cream! We also love the fact they let you feed their baby cows daily.  We however, did not go their at the time of their feedings so missed out on that. We joined a new program to us called The Ice Cream Trail. It's a lot like Park Quest. They have 8 different creameries in the area you can visit to and get your paper stamped. Once you have visited all the creameries and gotten your stamps. You send in your paperwork and get entered in a drawing to win gift cards to your favorite creamery. Pretty cool idea and, what better way to finish a quest with non other than ice cream!! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Park Quest 2014

Here in the Giggles and Grass Stains household we start to get super excited about our Summer when it's Park Quest signup time. Early in May we mark our calendars to be ready for Park Quest registration. This is the time Mommy starts pulling out her hair and sweating, pressing the refresh button over and over. If you're unfamiliar with Park Quest check out some of our previous posts located at the top of the page under Park Quest. The Park Quest program only allows 1,000 families in. So it's a mad house on registration day trying to get your family signed up in time. Every year, I stress and think what if I don't get in. My family would be so devastated. Park Quest has been an on going thing for us every Summer we make it a huge deal the whole Summer long.

Well....We got in again!! Shew!

We can't wait! We get to start Memorial Day weekend! We've booked camping sites at Deep Creek Lake again and, Jane's Island. We hope to complete all 24 quest, something we aim to do every year but, can't seem to do. This year is going to be the year!!!

The boys put a list of activities they would like to do this Summer while Park Questing if we can fit it in:

Make Walking Taco
Visit the pool at Pocomoke State Park
Visit Ocean City
Make Park Quest shirts
Try and find and take pictures of birds on our list

We hope to add more to our list as we come up with more fun idea.

Do you participate in Park Quest or a similar program?

If so, what's your team name? 
What's your favorite Maryland State Park to visit? 
What's your favorite activity to do while visiting State Parks?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Portrait Project {April}

Weekly Portrait Project is something we have started to hopefully keep up for the boys until they graduate. We will post a favorite picture of each of the boys once a week!
Our Portrait Project stopped sometime in October last year. We had a very cold Winter and the boys and I hardly got up to feeling like taking pictures. Now that the temps are warming up I hope to start up the project again to weekly. I got a new camera I am just itching to get pictures with.

For this "Month" portrait project our pictures were taken at this beautiful field of daffodils. These were taken on my camera phone since I didn't have my camera with me. These boys are growing so very fast. Please slow down!!!