Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wordful Wednesday: Day of Fun!!

We took a day trip to Gaithersburg/Bethesda MD. We started our day with a movie at The Rio movie theaters. The boys have been wanting to see Turbo. It was a cute movie and even had me laughing more than a few times. The boys really enjoyed it. 

The boys and I had never been to the Washingtonian Center so we decided to walk around. They took a train ride on the Choo Choo Soul Train. They really enjoyed the ride. My youngest loves Choo Choo Soul and was singing right along to the music playing!

After more walking, a lunch break, and more sight seeing, we got back in the car and drove 10 more minutes down the road to Bethesda. We had tickets to go see Peter Pan at the Imagination Stage. We had previously tried to go watch the play weeks before but, they had to cancel the show due to an actor injuring his foot.  So, needless to say the boys were more than excited and eager to see the play.

The play was excellent. The actors/actresses were amazing. Both the boys couldn't take their eyes off the stage. They laughed and even shouted out to the actors when they asked questions. They haven't stopped asking about Tinkerbell and how she was really magic. We really enjoyed ourselves. After the play the boys met some of the actors. Imagination really knows how to put on a great event. We can't wait to go back and see another play.

*Tickets to Peter Pan and Wendy were a prize from a contest through Macaroni Kid. We thank Macaroni Kid for the wonderful opportunity!

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