Excitement has hit the Giggles and Grass Stains house! Once again we have made it in to the Park Quest Program that Maryland Department of Natural Resources puts on every Summer.
Park Quest is a free program where families sign up to participate as a team (Needs to be at least one adult and a child under 16) to complete at least 10 of 24 different quests at different State Parks located in Maryland. The "quests" consist of activities like, canoeing, how to use a compass, learning Maryland's history during different periods, hiking, learning facts about flora and fauna in Maryland and, so much more. They only allow up to 1,000 teams enter the program. Registration took place last Monday at 6pm and was filled up within the first hour.
We have participated in Park Quest for 2 Summers now. It has been such a fun way to get the kids active and learning during the Summer. We can't wait to start again. We have decided to add some additional activities to Park Quest this year to really expand our fun. We are even hoping to add a couple minor league ball games to our trips this Summer. Visiting some local ball parks we haven't been to yet. Here's a list of activities we hope to do before during or after park quest this year.
*Make Team T-Shirts
*Start a Park Quest Journal
*Visit Local Ball Parks
*Go Geo-caching
*Collect State Park pins/patches
*Iron on patches/pins to Park Quest duffel bags.
Here's a couple pictures from our favorite quests last year!
Here's a couple pictures from our favorite quests last year!
Do you Park Quest? What's your team name?
Great blog! I like hearing about other's Park Quest experiences. This is our third year and we love it! We've done 11 so far this year. I don't have a separate page for park quest but I've blogged about most of ours. and labeled most.http://jaklew.blogspot.com/ LewCrew07